Valentine's Day Honey Promo: Farmers' Market cliche or just The Right Idea?

Whenever Valentine’s Day rolls around you’re bound to see a Farmers’ Market making the “Honey for Your Honey” Pitch. Yeah it’s obvious. Yeah it’s not-so-inventive wordplay. To that we say, “So what?!’

If you personally enjoy sweet things, but shy away from local honey just because of boilerplate marketing – maybe you’ve forgotten what honey is. Let’s recap: It’s a delicious floral nectar created by a group of insects with an innate compulsion to work in a concerted effort to mine remote pockets of life springing from the ephemeral beauty of delicate flowers!

Lorrie Clark has been capturing nature’s magical elixir and bringing it to the general public since 2010. Working full time in the sailing industry with Gill North America until the great recession Lorie took a stopgap job selling honey products when she – quite literally – ‘got the bug.’

“I decided I could raise bees and make my own way,” Lorrie recalls. “ It’s been an eye-opening and empowering business for me.”

Visit the St. Johns Honey booth every Monday night from 6-10pm to discuss harvesting with Lorrie and learn the varietal nuances of distinct honeys.

St. Johns River Honey Company puts hives in different parts of Florida to achieve different ‘blooms.’ For a classic honey taste, try the Orange Blossom blend. The Gallberry will provide a more floral bouquet with a lower sucrose content. Each honey has their own purpose in your daily diet from toasts to teas to yogurts and dressings. Who wouldn’t want to give the gift of a honey wonderwheel to their special someone?

If nothing else you can support one of Central Florida’s quality business owners this Valentine’s.  “I am proud to be a female business owner,” Lorrie says. “I am really glad to be part of the slow food movement and anything to help our beautiful Earth! Go Bees!”
