Update about COVID19 (Novel Coronavirus) and the Market
/We've been monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely, as I'm sure you all have. At this time, we are NOT planning to close the market. We believe if grocery stores are remaining open, we should also make an effort to stay open. While we only represent a small segment of the local economy, it’s important to us to remain available as long as possible both for our local consumers and our producers, who are all small business owners. We have looked to what farmers markets throughout the country, including those in highly affected cities, are doing in light of this situation. After consulting with trusted partners and monitoring City of Orlando and CDC recommendations, we are taking the following precautionary measures:
1. We are asking any vendor or customer who is feeling sick or does not feel comfortable participating in the market to go ahead and skip it. We will be publishing our vendor list each Monday morning to give you the most up-to-date information we can on who will be there.
2. We will be adjusting the market layout to put more space between vendors and widen the aisleways to make "social distance" easier for shoppers and vendors.
3. We will be providing gloves to market vendors, customers, and staff for the handling of money, tokens, and other items.
4. We are adding a small handwashing station to supplement the facilities available inside Stardust, along with additional refuse containers.
6. For the time being, we are removing the communal seating.
7. We’re encouraging pre-orders whenever possible. Many of our vendors already take pre-orders, making it easier to drop by and make a quick pickup. This also helps vendors gauge how much to bring to market during these unpredictable times. Below is a list of our current vendors and how to get in touch with them to inquire about pre-ordering options. As we get more details, we’ll update this list:
Avenue A Eatery: Contact information available at www.avenueaeatery.com
The Bearded Vegan: Contact information available at www.thebeardedveganshop.com
Black Cat Baked Goods: pre-orders can be made by emailing blackcatbakedgoods@gmail.com by 5 pm the Saturday before the market.
Caycakes Bake Shop: Online ordering and contact information available at www.ccbakeshoporl.com
Edward’s Gourmet Confections: Contact information available at www.facebook.com/sweetsbyedward/
Enamored with Nature: Contact information available at www.facebook.com/enamoredwithnature/
Fleet Farming: CSA shares are available for pickup at the market. Details at www.fleetfarming.org/csa
Heart of Christmas Farm: Pre-orders available. Use the contact information at http://hocfarms.com/ to get ordering information.
Hohmmade CBD: Contact information available at www.hohmmadecbd.com
Island Breeze Spices: Contact islandbreezespices@gmail.com
Live Food Experience: Contact via instagram at https://www.instagram.com/raw_chef_adam/
Melatta: Contact information available at www.melatta.com
Microganic Farm: Pre-order and delivery available. Contact information available via https://www.instagram.com/microganic/
Miller’s Edible Plant Garden: Contact information available at https://www.facebook.com/Millers-Edible-Plant-Garden-2012396132333089/
Nearby Naturals: Online ordering available. Details and contact information at https://nearbynaturalsfl.com/
Orlando City Kombucha: Contact information available at http://www.orlandocitykombucha.com/
O-Town Compost: Valet compost subscription service available. Details at www.o-towncompost.com
The Paleo Bakery: Pre-orders and online ordering available. Details at https://www.thepaleobakery.com/
The Proper Pickle Company: Contact information available at https://www.facebook.com/theproperpicklecompany/
Spice Affair: Contact information available at www.thespiceaffair.com
Wild Ocean Seafood: Pre-orders available. Join the mailing list here to get an availability list and ordering information each Monday.
We hope that we can continue serving local consumers and small business as we get through this time of uncertainty. Hope to see you (however briefly!) at the market.
Gabby Lothrop, Market Director