Happy Monday!

We’ve got a lot of goodies lined up for this lovely Monday evening, including some new vendors and lots of tasty options for dinner. Click the newsletter button below to see tonight’s edition, which includes our vendor lineup, some menu items and specials, and more
See you at the market!

[button link=“http://us9.campaign-archive1.com/?u=0d41fc0c394829ecc39f9bed5&id=7001a54f1b” color=“orange”] This week’s newsletter[/button]



New Market Hours!

We’ve received a lot of requests to adjust the market’s hours, and we saw the end of Daylight Savings as the perfect opportunity to roll them back.  The market is now open from 5:00 to 6:00 pm every Monday, giving you a little more daylight and more convenient hours to shop.  We’d also like to take this opportunity to remind you of the parking options here in the neighborhood.  We’ve had some issues with parking on Winter Park Road, just north of the market.  So we want to be sure no one gets a ticket!  The map below should help.  As always, please be courteous to our neighbors; don’t block driveways and obey all parking signage.  See you at the market!
APCM Parking Map